Brave & Bold #64 Batman rescues a flame haired girl about to be shot by a bowman using his skill and prowess with a rope.
The girl faints, she wakes to find they recognise each other...
''But why was that bow buzzard trying to ventilate your beautiful torso?"
exclaims BATMAN!!
(Head to flashback:)
Marcia was beautiful but spoilt and rich, and Batman had both rescued and erm... awkward...
put her across his knee to ''tame'' her.
(I kid not!!!)
Marcia teams up with Bats.
And before you know it, when they're not busting up crime gangs, they're steaming up the windows of the Batmobile!!!
Then she dumps him, which brings us up to the point where they rediscover each other.
Batman got dumped for a low life called Nicky, but if that wasn't bad enough for our heart broken hero!
Marcia wants him to pinch a jewel which Nicky stole before he died.
So BINGO! You got it... she's available again.
Batman gets caught out as it looks like he was stealing the gem and ends up sobbing into his palms behind bars.
We find out, Marcia is a crook working for a syndicate known as Cyclops.
She freed Eclipso from the body he shares with Dr Bruce Gordon, so that he can join her on a rampage throughout Gotham City.
But Marcia has been forced to work for Cyclops because they threatened to kill her dad.
So it's okay that she dumped our hero... until now that is!!
So now we know the origin, but here:
29th February 2012 sees Marcia back in her QUEEN BEE identity to take this leap year with force:
Who knows what we might find come another four years???
Have a great leap year folks and those girlie's who plan to take the plunge with their fellas!!
Wishing you all the best for a happy future!!